Wednesday, October 31, 2012


wah ,, adik adik baru udah mulai masuk blok 2 nih,, ni ada bahan bacaan yang bisa digunakan untuk menambah pengetahuaan nya,,,
selamat membaca,, semoga bermanfaat,, baca bissmillah ya untuk memulai,,,

Kebersihan tangan merupakan salah satu tindakan preventif yang harus dilakukan oleh seorang tenaga medis untuk menghindari kontaminasi.

terdapat Tiga level kebersihan tangan (hand hygiene)

Level 1 Socially Clean
Level ini bertujuan untuk mencegah terjadinya infeksi silang.  Level 1 biasanya dilakukan dengan menggunakan sabun cair yang kemudian dibilas menggunakan air yang bertujuan untuk membersihkan bagian permukaan kulit. 

step by step level 1
  • gunakan sabun cair secukupnya untuk membasahi dan mencuci tangan dengan menggunakan 6 - 8 teknik (gambar 1)
  • bilas di air hangat/ bilas menggunakan air mengalir
  • keringkan dengan tisu atau kain yang bersih/ steril

Saturday, September 29, 2012


glasgow coma scale is an instrument that used in concious state assess.

there are three assessment point in glasgow coma scale : motor, verbal, and eye opening.

  1. makes no movement
  2. extension to painfull stimuli
  3. flexion to painful stimuli
  4. withdraws from pain
  5. withdraws from touch
  6. moves spontaneously
  1. Makes no sounds
  2. inconsolable, agitated
  3. inconsolble, moaning
  4. consolable crying
  5. smiles, oriented to sounds

Friday, September 21, 2012


What is Asphyxia ?

Asphyxia is a condition when an infant born cannot breath spontaneously or regularly

How does Asphyxia happen ?

At birth , at the first time breath, an infant needs maximal expansion of the lung. Asphyxia happens when the expansion does not work well or not maximal.

How to diagnose ?

APGAR score is one way to diagnose asphyxia

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Obsetry and Gynecology : Maternal Physiology


Maternal physiology undergoes many changes during pregnancy. These changes, which are largely secondary to the effects of progesterone and estrogen, begin as early as 4 week gestation and are progressive. In the First 12 weeks of pregnancy progesterone and estrogen are produced predominantly by the ovary and thereafter by placenta. These change both enable the fetus and placenta to grow and prepare the mother and baby for childbirth. These condition will makes a physiologic adaptations in the mother body system, such as hematology system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, endocrine system and the others.


Estrogen and progesterone mediated relaxation of vascular smooth muscle in pregnancy cause vasodilatation reducing the peripheral vascular resistance by 20%. consequently systolic and diastolic blood fall (figure1.1). A reflex increase in heart rate by 25% together with a 25% cardiac output (figure 1.2). Activating of renin-angiotensin system result in increased circulating angiotensin II which encourages sodium and water retention (leading to a 40% increase in blood volume) and directly constricts the peripheral